Announcing "Dawn" Set IV - the Final Set!

The Believer's Payday


First Edition
AMG Publishers (August 2002), 224 pgs.

According to the Scriptures, how a believer lives right now impacts the results of that "payday"--the appearance before the Judgment Seat of Christ.  Understanding the subject of rewards, which was frequently discussed by Christ and His apostles, is critical for developing a biblical worldview and for producing endurance in the Christian life.  The study examines many scriptures that promise significant rewards to the faithful, diligent child of God.

Dr. Paul N. Benware is currently Professor of Bible and Doctrine at Philadelphia Biblical University.  His prior professorships were at Moody Bible Institute and Los Angeles Baptist College (now Mater's College).  He has authored six books including, Understanding End Times Prophecy, Survey of the Old Testament, Survey of the New Testament, and The Gospel of Luke.  Dr. Benware and his wife, Anne, reside in Quakertown, Pennsylvania.  They have four grown children and four grandchildren.


  1. The Judgment Seat of the Lord Jesus Christ
  2. Not All Will Be the Same
  3. Entering or Not Entering God's Rest
  4. What the Judge Will Be Looking For
  5. The Judge's Evaluation of the "What" and the "Why"
  6. God's Grace and My Sin at the Judgment Seat
  7. Grace, Sin, and Judgment--Case Studies
  8. Commendation and Crowns--Rewards at the Judgment Seat
  9. Ruling in the Kingdom--Rewards at the Judgment Seat
  10. The Danger of Loss at the Judgment Seat
  11. The Slaves Who Rule
  12. Preparing for Payday

Conclusion: Points to Ponder Concerning "Payday"
Appendix: The Security of the Believer in Christ