Announcing "Dawn" Set IV - the Final Set!

Praying is Working


Fourth Edition, 1988
48 pgs.

Lang writes: "Over half a century since Dr. Fleming Stevenson enriched the Church of God with his gracious book Praying and Working.  But needful as is the lesson that prayer must be accompanied by all right effort, that book taught also, and impressively, the truth expressed in our own title.  What is here written is to prove and illustrate the thought that praying is working, and not merely an adjunct to working.  It is a form of working, and not simply a somewhat properly added to our efforts out of reverence to the Almighty; nor is it only an appeal for His blessing to prosper our labours.  When a righteous man prays he works.  For prayer in the spirit is one agency by which the Spirit of God effects through the believer His will, and is, indeed, a putting forth of His energy."

G. H. Lang was born November 20, 1874 in London, England. He died at Wimborne, Dorset, England October 20, 1958. He was saved at a young age when he was seven and a half years old. His writings include fourteen major books and innumerable booklets. He once said, "No man should write a book until he is forty. He needs to prove his theories in practice before publishing." All but nine of his many books were published after he was fifty years old.