The Panton Papers
Fourth Edition, 1988
152 pgs.
David M. Panton was a very able successor to Robert Govett’s pulpit at Surrey Chapel, Norwich, England. Panton was the founder and editor of Dawnmagazine, a strong voice for deep scriptural and prophetical truth from 1924 until his death in 1955. Panton was well-known for his speaking and writing abilities concerning scriptural prophetical subjects. He was known as "The Prince of Prophecy."
Section One
- The Japanese Earthquake
- Locomotion and Science
- Geology and the Flood
- The Sumerian Narrative of the Flood
- The Advent and the Flood
- Deluge Debris
- The Edenic Curse and Modern Problems
- The Undoing of the Curse
- Thorns and Thistles
Section Two
- The Jews: God's Dial
- The Church and the Synagogue
- The Middle Wall of Partition
- British Israelism
- The Land Laws of Jehovah
- The Rebuilding of the Temple
- The Temple of Ezekiel
Section Three
- The Red Napoleon
- The King of the South
- Who is the Antichrist?
- The Resurrection of the Roman Empire
- The Iron and the Clay
- Coming Collapse
- Capital Punishment
Section Four
- The Return of Idolatry
- The Flight of the Papacy
- The Challenge of a Deferred Advent
- Our Eternal Destiny
- Eternal Punishment in the Scriptures
- The Great White Throne