Announcing "Dawn" Set IV - the Final Set!

The Histories and Prophecies of Daniel


The Book of Daniel

Schoettle Publishing Company, Inc., 2008
Hardcover, 224 pgs.

"By the grace of God my interest in prophetic studies was kindled in my youth, and by that grace it has been maintained and deepened for sixty years.  Some results of this reading and reflection are here offered to my fellow-pilgrims in this waste, howling wilderness for the end of which we long."

"I say results rather than conclusions.  Let no one conceive that he has concluded his study of prophetic scripture.  For myself, I know that I know 'not yet as I ought to know.'  The mass of details is so vast that it is more than a life-work to co-ordinate it, and the overlooking or the wrongly estimating of even one statement may lead to a false opinion, just as the omission or misreading of one figure will falsify a calculation."